[CentOS] Server hangs initializing audio

Wed Oct 11 18:21:56 UTC 2006
Bart Schaefer <barton.schaefer at gmail.com>

On 10/11/06, Bowie Bailey <Bowie_Bailey at buc.com> wrote:
> I have a server that frequently hangs while rebooting.  I see no
> errors, but during the boot process it stops at this stage:
>     Initializing hardware... storage network audio
> The cursor sits just after the word "audio" and I have to do a hard
> reset to get out of it.

The boot message is a red herring, it really doesn't have anything to
do with the audio.

It *might* have something to do with ACPI ... search the CentOS list
archives for a thread with the subject "CentOS 4.2 hangs at power-on
boot" from February 2006.  I had the same problem, and in fact still
do, though now it's intermittent.