[CentOS] Another Tar stopper

Tue Sep 12 16:10:14 UTC 2006
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

Will McDonald wrote:
> On 12/09/06, Barry L. Kline <blkline at attglobal.net> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> > So I switched over to init 3 and ran the tar process from the text 
>> session.
>> >
>> > Still got this error.
>> >
>> > How do I figure out what is wrong and how do I find any similar
>> > show-stoppers?
>> >
>> That error is frequently caused by a lock or with the file changing
>> while being backed up.  Use the verbose option with tar, then scan down
>> through the log to find out what happened.   If you have a non-fatal
>> error early on in the execution of tar you'll receive notice of it at
>> the end of execution.
> I'd send STDOUT and STDERR to separate logs for brevity's sake.
> Something like...
> tar czvf $destfile $tobetarred > /tmp/tarlog.std 2> /tmp/tarlog.err 
Wait a sec here.  I am piping the tar to stdout (tar czvfO ) then 
sending that through to SSH  ( | SSH ....) to be cated into the actual 
file ( cat > archive.tgz):

tar -cpvzO / --exclude-from=/home/not-file | ssh user at ipaddrs "cat > 

So where is the verbose going to so I see it on the screen?  STDERR?

And still either how do I unlock any locked files left locked by X?  
And/or just tar them with the lock?