[CentOS] yam help

Fri Sep 15 17:17:28 UTC 2006
Bowie Bailey <Bowie_Bailey at BUC.com>

I am trying to use yam to create a repo based on the 4.4 CDs.  I have
copied the contents of the CDs to /var/dist/CentOS-4.4-i386.  No
matter what I try, yam always creates an emtpy repo.

This is my current yam.conf file:

    srcdir = /var/yam
    wwwdir = /var/www/yam
    arch = i386

    name = CentOS $release ($arch)
    release = 4
    arch = i386
    metadata = repomd
    os = file:///var/dist/CentOS-4.4-i386/CentOS/

And this is the directory structure after running 'yam -ug':



It simply will not copy or link the RPMs from my distribution
directory.  What is the correct way to do this?
