[CentOS] Saw this and thought warmly of everyone on the list

Tue Sep 19 03:18:43 UTC 2006
Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex at milivojevic.org>

Peter Farrow wrote:
> see points for 12 and 13 to substantiate my previous post....
> so its not secure and its not trusted and its not going to be B1 and C2 
> evaluated and point 16 is a killer,
> point 17 is icing on the cake, (I think SElinux is about 6 feet under by 
> now)
> so bring on the flames, your gonna have to do really well to justify it 
> now.... (lol)
> And all these points are from the authors of SELinux, so save yourself 
> the trouble and disable it...

I'm not defending nor attacking SELinux here.  I'm kind of indifferent.

However, there's one comment I'm going to make.  The "killers" and 
"icings on the cake" exist only in your head.  All that that FAQ is 
saying is "we made this tool, we gave it to you, end of story".  It is 
not NSA's job to audit Linux kernel for free.  Or any other piece of 
open source code.