[CentOS] Another Tar stopper

Tue Sep 12 23:16:22 UTC 2006
John Newbigin <jnewbigin at ict.swin.edu.au>

Robert Moskowitz wrote:

> Wait a sec here.  I am piping the tar to stdout (tar czvfO ) then 
> sending that through to SSH  ( | SSH ....) to be cated into the actual 
> file ( cat > archive.tgz):
> tar -cpvzO / --exclude-from=/home/not-file | ssh user at ipaddrs "cat > 
> backup.tgz"
> So where is the verbose going to so I see it on the screen?  STDERR?
Normal UNIX tools write data to stdout and everything else like error 
messages, status messages etc to stderr.

tar ... > file.tar

will save your data (the tar file) to the file and the messages will be 
seen on the terminal.  You can redirect them if you want with 2>

tar ... > file.tar 2> tarlog.txt

> And still either how do I unlock any locked files left locked by X?  
> And/or just tar them with the lock?
You don't need to backup lock files.  They won't make sense if restored 
anyway.  Most tools will create new locks when they start next time. 
Some tools will complain if there is a lock file already there when they 
  start up.

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John Newbigin
Computer Systems Officer
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia