[CentOS] CentOS-announce mailing list

Wed Sep 13 21:21:21 UTC 2006
John Hinton <webmaster at ew3d.com>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Dominik Składanowski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> does it true every CentOS mailing list subscriber gets a digests from  
>> CentOS-announce mailing list?
> Yes. The single announcements are posted to the announce-list only, the
> digests are posted to the centos list also. There's been a big
> discussion about that last year(?), IIRC.
> Ralph
Yeah, but my vote to do it this way has become wrong. And it was 
originally set this way nearly two years ago.. after a very lengthy 
barrage of discussion. In the meantime, much has grown within the CentOS 
community. There are now at least two more distros for different systems 
along with 4.X being added... So that gives us 2.X, 3.X and 4.X in the 
4? various flavors. This can occasionally be 12 announcements for one 
update... when 5 hits, 16. If I had my vote to do over, I'd vote for an 
announce list for each distro and each system. And to rehash yet again 
another thing... the subject line is so long that I need to expand by 
mailreader to 1250 or so wide before I can read what the announcement 
actually regards as in system and CentOS version....

I'd vote for pure announce lists at this point... but, I'm so totally in 
awe of all the work the CentOS team does which is of such huge benefit 
to me, that I really hate to even say anything about this... But it is 
time for me to start doing some filtering. Arghhh!

And I promise to not say anything again, at least until 6 comes out. ;)

John Hinton