This is a small thing; apologize if it's been previously discussed. In user options for the CentOS-Announce mailing list options page: you can subscribe to architectures of interest. To receive posts about the i386 architecture, for example, the mailing list pattern (as a regexp) is: CentOS.4.i386 whereas the one for all 4.x architectures is: CentOS.4 The problem is that if you are only subscribed to the i386 subset you will miss architecture independent announcements, such as the recent ones regarding CentOS 4.4 availability. A solution would be to include a pattern for all relevant architectures on the subject line for general release announements, which would allow the existing regexp's to work. However this would make subject lines too long as John pointed out. Better might be to modify the existing regexps to additionally accept subject lines where no architecture is shown. Thanks, Neal