[CentOS] Gnome Desktop Screensaver Security Lock Override?

Mon Sep 18 16:27:55 UTC 2006
Dave K <davek08054 at gmail.com>

On 9/18/06, Steve Huff <shuff at vecna.org> wrote:
> On Sep 18, 2006, at 10:47 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:
> > ... Is there an administrator
> > override to a
> > user's password protected screensaver terminal lock?
> 1. ssh in
> 2. become root
> 3. pkill -u <username of user who locked the screen> -f -x
> "^xscreensaver -nosplash$"

Depending on how the system has been configured, you should also be
able to login on a virtual console and issue the above commands.

Dave K
Unix Systems & Network Administrator
Mount Laurel NJ