[CentOS] Re: Sendmail Segfaults

Wed Sep 20 02:49:56 UTC 2006
Feizhou <feizhou at graffiti.net>

> This also points out one of my concerns with the RHEL distribution (we 
> have lots of copies we pay RH for, and a few we use CentOS for). For 
> some packages, we'd REALLY like a choice of staying on the present 
> train, or moving forward. In our case, sendmail-8.13 would be useful, 
> and php-5.x would be useful. If there were the possibility of getting 
> those -- including bug fixes for security updates via normal patch 
> installation methods -- we would be much happier.

postfix :P

Except for one security issue and one DOS way back in time, postfix has 
been pretty good when it comes to security issues; being as it is 
written by a security expert.

The latest RHEL postfix is 2.2.10 which brings along a lot of lovely 
features and it is also a complete dropin for sendmail.

Or you can become a sendmail expert and package your own up to date 