[CentOS] NTP


mlist.only at free.fr
Mon Apr 2 21:34:44 UTC 2007

Steve Huff wrote:
> On Apr 2, 2007, at 11:32 AM, Ken Godee wrote:
>>> Ok.  I'm looking at a client that needs to keep their server time 
>>> close as reasonably possible (within a minute) of the actual time of 
>>> day.  I've installed the RPM for NTP and I'm looking for tips on 
>>> what the simplest setup should be, ie:
>>> What server(s) should I be using for sync?
>>> Should I just run it from a cron every 20 minutes or so?
>> I do wish it would prefer the time server offered by DHCP:-( I'd 
>> rather sync one computer over the Internet, and the rest off my local 
>> network.
> how large is your local network?  arguably you should be using at 
> least two, and ideally three, timeservers on the local network; ntp 
> works ok with only one source of time, but times will converge much 
> more quickly with multiple sources of time.
> don't run 'ntpdate' from a cron job; that defeats the whole purpose of 
> running ntpd.

and this won't work if ntpd is running ("socket already in use" or 
something similar).

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