Hi all, I am proud to announce the release of Tao Live 5.00. This live CD is based on the Beta release of CentOS 5 and includes multimedia enhancements from rpmforge.net repository. Tao Live uses a Squash filesystem to fit 2 GB of programs into a standard bootable CD. OpenOffice.org, Firefox, Gaim, XMMS, MPlayer, K3B and many other programs are included. Tao Live 5.00 is available via BitTorrent: http://www.nanotechnologies.qc.ca/propos/linux/tao-live/i386/torrent/tao-live-5.00.torrent MD5sum: http://www.nanotechnologies.qc.ca/propos/linux/tao-live/i386/isos/tao-live-5.00.md5 Enjoy, -- Patrice Guay patrice.guay at nanotechnologies.qc.ca