[CentOS] Moving/copying the MBR

Wed Apr 11 17:48:36 UTC 2007
Mark Hull-Richter <mhullrich at gmail.com>

Are there any tools for working with and moving or copying the MBR?

My machine has 2 PATA drives (hda & hdb) and 2 SATA drives (sda & sdb).  The
MBR is on hda, but I would like (eventually or sooner) to boot from sda
because it is two years newer, faster and, hopefully, more reliable.  Even
if I don't change that, I'd like a backup MBR on sda in case hda fails (hdb
has gone sour a few times due to something in the power setup, although no
data lost and it always comes back).

In order to copy the MBR, I'd also need to edit it because the drive
configuration would be different, as well as the location of my /boot

Any suggestions?


Mark Hull-Richter, Linux Kernel Engineer
DATAllegro (www.datallegro.com)
85 Enterprise, Second Floor, Aliso Viejo, CA  92656
949-680-3082 - Office     949-330-7691 - fax
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