[CentOS] OT: CentOS 5 Hits?

Thu Apr 12 17:30:14 UTC 2007
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

Dennis McLeod wrote:
> How do I do this? (never really used bittorrent before. Mine is
> 10up/10down...) 

get a torrent client.    on linux, I've used cTorrent (small simple 
commandline C program) and Azureus (large complex full featured GUI Java 
program), give it the .torrent file, and tell it where you want to save 
stuff locally and let it rip.   the -original- python torrent was rather 
primitive and lacked throttle controls.

I suggest throttling it (command line options to ctorrent, and gui 
options in azureus) to no more than 80% of your pipe, both Rx and Tx. 

you can stop and restart the torrent program at any time, it will resume 
where it left off after a minute or so of checking on the status of the 
files (block checksumming etc).    when starting a torrent, expect it to 
take a number of minutes before things get up to full speed.   Oh, and 
you need to have at least one TCP port open from the outside, and 
configure your torrent client to use this (this can be -any- high port 
#, there's no preference to the defaults).