[CentOS] Custom CentOS5 DVD

Tue Apr 17 16:36:03 UTC 2007
Joe Pruett <joey at clean.q7.com>

On Tue, 17 Apr 2007, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> ==========================================================================================
> mkisofs -q -J -R -v -T -o /YOUR_PATH/isos/${PRODNAME}-${DISTROVER}-${ARCH}-bin-DVD.iso \
>        -publisher "YOUR INFO" -p "${PRODNAME}" \
>        -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
>        -c isolinux/boot.cat \
>        -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
>        ${ARCH}/
> implantisomd5 /YOUR_PATH/isos/${PRODNAME}-${DISTROVER}-${ARCH}-bin-DVD.iso
> ==========================================================================================

how hard would it be for the centos team to put scripts in the os tree (or 
somewhere easy to get to) to build cd and dvd isos from the os tree? 
that way we could just mirror the standard os tree and then build isos if 
we want them.  i normally use network installs, but occasionally have to 
do an install from cd/dvd and would like to save the download 