[CentOS] Mime Type in Nautilus

Thu Apr 19 21:42:45 UTC 2007
Bernard Lheureux <bernard.lheureux at bbsoft4.org>

Hi All...

Could someone guide me to solve a strange behaviour of Nautilus, when I
want to click on a JPEG file that has a .jpg extension I receive this
message and eod refuses to launch:
Cannot open Cactus -'Ot 'N' Sweaty(1972)_back.jpg
The filename "Cactus -'Ot 'N' Sweaty(1972)_back.jpg" indicates that this
file is of type "jpg document". The contents of the file indicate that
the file is of type "JPEG image". If you open this file, the file might
present a security risk to your system.

Do not open the file unless you created the file yourself, or received
the file from a trusted source. To open the file, rename the file to the
correct extension for "JPEG image", then open the file normally.
Alternatively, use the Open With menu to choose a specific application
for the file.

In the pas, my machine was running in FC4 and everything worked
correctly, now it refuses to open this kind of files unless I rename it
to .jpeg extension...
Thanks if you can guide me on how to solve this to open eog to view this
type of file...

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(°-   Bernard Lheureux Gestionnaire des MailingLists ML, TechML, LinuxML
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