[CentOS] Mime Type in Nautilus

Thu Apr 19 21:46:21 UTC 2007
Bernard Lheureux <bernard.lheureux at bbsoft4.org>

On Thu, 2007-04-19 at 23:42 +0200, Bernard Lheureux wrote:
I forgot to tell you that I'm on CentOS5 now where I have this

> Hi All...
> Could someone guide me to solve a strange behaviour of Nautilus, when I
> want to click on a JPEG file that has a .jpg extension I receive this
> message and eod refuses to launch:
> >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-8<-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Cannot open Cactus -'Ot 'N' Sweaty(1972)_back.jpg
> The filename "Cactus -'Ot 'N' Sweaty(1972)_back.jpg" indicates that this
> file is of type "jpg document". The contents of the file indicate that
> the file is of type "JPEG image". If you open this file, the file might
> present a security risk to your system.
> Do not open the file unless you created the file yourself, or received
> the file from a trusted source. To open the file, rename the file to the
> correct extension for "JPEG image", then open the file normally.
> Alternatively, use the Open With menu to choose a specific application
> for the file.
> >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-8<-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> In the pas, my machine was running in FC4 and everything worked
> correctly, now it refuses to open this kind of files unless I rename it
> to .jpeg extension...
> Thanks if you can guide me on how to solve this to open eog to view this
> type of file...
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