[CentOS] RealPlayer

Sat Apr 21 19:27:09 UTC 2007
Ioannis Vranos <ivranos at freemail.gr>

centos at 911networks.com wrote:
> I have CentOS5, I downloaded and installed realplayer:
> http://www.real.com/realcom/R?href=http%3A%2F%2Fforms%2Ereal%2Ecom%2Freal%2Fplayer%2Fdownload%2Ehtml%3Ff%3Dunix%2FRealPlayer10GOLD%2Erpm
> I run rpm, it install but does not load.
> Any suggestion?

I downloaded the default .bin package and it loads fine (haven't tested 
it though, I am still configuring my box, but it looks OK).