[CentOS] Annoying Mouse Tricks

Tue Apr 24 11:05:59 UTC 2007
Mark Weaver <mdw1982 at mdw1982.com>

On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 00:01 +0200, Pavel SRB wrote:
> Hi
> this was my nightmare for about few days. I was and still am running hdd
> install of knoppix 4.02 on main pc and second testing pc with (win xp,
> debian, knoppix, kbuntu,ubuntu, freebsd and now centos :o). Using Belkin
> KVM for two computers.
> The only solution i found was to put " psmouse.proto=imps "to grub. It
> is also working when booting knoppix live cd as cheat code. But did not
> succed on *buntu. I did not test it on Centos, as i am only using terminal.
> good luck
> Pavel SRB

Hi Pavel,

That sounds interesting, but I'm still wondering what happens at boot
time that makes the mouse function properly and gets broken when I
toggle the KVM?


A tree that will not bend in a strong wind will break.