[CentOS] Re: hi uggg

Wed Apr 25 21:51:26 UTC 2007
Dave Fales <matthew_17_20 at msn.com>

The computer gods must not like me today now I downlod the right one burned 
it to a disk and no the computer is refusing to boot of cd I think I know 
why but don;t know the cure. Can you install it to the hard drive in 1 
computer but run on a diffreant one this is what I think is up I have 3 hard 
drives on this computer if when it boots up if I dont go into cmos open up 
the hard drive thing then save and close it will only regnie one hard  all 
the jumpers are set right no clue one thing I am wondring it has 2 diffrent 
spots on the mobo and I run the cd and the boot hard drive into one and the 
other two into the other one is that wrong or right
Dave fales
matthew_17_20 at msn.com
moving mountains with mustard seeds

>From: Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>
>Reply-To: CentOS mailing list <centos at centos.org>
>To: centos at centos.org
>Subject: [CentOS] Re: hi
>Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:57:52 -0700
>Dave spake the following on 4/25/2007 9:46 AM:
> > thank you I saw the 85 and thought well maybe that isn't right. one more
> > question for burring the image to a cd can I use a rewrite cd or does it
> > have to burn to a permanent cd I have a ton of rewritable cd's
>If the system you are installing it to can read "reliably" from the RW 
>then it will work. I have several older machines that don't work well with
>CD/RW's and some that do.
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