[CentOS] Re: CentOS 5 Live CD

Mon Apr 30 18:39:39 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Mark Rose spake the following on 4/30/2007 8:20 AM:
> Does anyone know if there are any plans to make a CentOS 5 Live CD, or better yet, if there is already one available?  Thanks!
> Mark
I found this on the list;

Hi all,

I am proud to announce the release of Tao Live 5.00. This live CD is based on
the Beta release of CentOS 5 and includes multimedia enhancements from
rpmforge.net repository. Tao Live uses a Squash filesystem to fit 2 GB of
programs into a standard bootable CD. OpenOffice.org, Firefox, Gaim, XMMS,
MPlayer, K3B and many other programs are included.

Tao Live 5.00 is available via BitTorrent:


Patrice Guay
patrice.guay at nanotechnologies.qc.ca


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