[CentOS] How to Increase Swap Memory in Centos 4.4?

Tue Apr 3 19:48:05 UTC 2007
Antonio da Silva Martins Junior <asmartins at uem.br>

----- "Rodrigo Barbosa" <rodrigob at darkover.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tue, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:07:53AM -0700, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> > On 4/3/07, Pham Hai <haisoncompany at gmail.com> wrote:
> > >To install Oracle Database 10g, I need to increase the swap memory
> > >to 1004 MB.
> > 
> > Tangential aside:  Does anyone have an informed opinion on whether
> > the "swap should be double RAM" rule still makes sense?
> The original rule (still valid, AFAIC) was:
> "swap should be NO MORE than the double RAM"

  Well, on old unix systems (Solaris, AIX), if you didn't have swap at 
least the double of RAM you can't use all your RAM. 

  But, back then 64Mb RAM was a lot of RAM.


| Antonio S. Martins Jr. - Support Analist | "Only The Shadow Knows     |
| Universidade Estadual de Maringá - Brasil|   what evil lurks in the   |
| NPD - Núcleo de Processamento de Dados   |       Heart of Men!"       |
| E-Mail: asmartins at uem.br / shadow at uem.br | !!! Linux User: 52392 !!!  |

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