[CentOS] Windows AD

Wed Apr 4 07:23:12 UTC 2007
user local <local.usr at gmail.com>

2007/4/3, CentOS List <centoslist at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Does CentOS 5 / RH 5 ship with a similar windows active directory and able
> to support windows workstations? I've of  heard OpenLDAP and FDS. Does
> windows support those?

LDAP+Kerberos+smthM$specs=Active_Directory. You also should use Samba and
have a Primary Domain Controller for you Windows clients. Active_Directory
uses DNS to solve hosts to addresses, so you don't need a WINS server,
though.  I think the point to start w/ is Samba:
http://us4.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/ ,
http://us4.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-Guide/ (jump to Chapter 5, maybe
it's all you need)

AFAIK CentOS has an Anaconda chapter dedicated to installation of Kerberos,
and LDAP, too, so you have no excuse to miss the party :D. Sorry about I am
not more useful for you, but I think it's feasible. I would try it. (I have
no experience w/ Kerberos, very little w/ OpenLDAP, Samba, and... CentOS).


Stan Păpuşă
who heared some fairy tails about a ugly multihead dog...
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