[CentOS] Problem with gettid() on CentOS 5/gcc 4.1.1

Wed Apr 4 14:10:50 UTC 2007
Alfred von Campe <alfred at 110.net>

On Apr 4, 2007, at 3:49, Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha wrote:

> _syscall* is deprecated, syscall(2) is the real thing now.

Yes, I saw that.  But I don't think this is documented well enough.

> My man gettid:
>        _syscall0(pid_t, gettid)
>                /* Using syscall(2) may be preferable; see intro(2) */
> So they do reference syscall(2).

The intro(2) man page talks mostly about the _syscall macros.  Near  
the end of the man page, in the NOTES section, we find the following  

   The preferred way to invoke system calls that glibc does not know
   about yet is via syscall(2).  However, this mechanism can only be
   used if using a libc (such as glibc) that supports syscall(2), and
   if the <sys/syscall.h> header file contains the required SYS_foo
   definition.  Otherwise, the use of a _syscall macro is required.

   Some architectures, notably ia64, do not provide the _syscall
   macros.  On these architectures, syscall(2) must be used.

So it boils down to this:  On CentOS 4, to use gettid() you do this:

   _syscall0(pid_t, gettid)
   mytid = gettid()

and on CentOS 5, you have to do this:

   pid_t gettid(void)
       return syscall(__NR_gettid);
   mytid = gettid();

or this:

   mytid = (pid_t)syscall(__NR_gettid);

My only gripe is that the gettid man page should not refer to  
_sycall0 at all since it is not defined and just show the syscall()  
syntax directly.  I realize this is not a CentOS issue, but rather an  
upstream issue.  I still think they dropped the ball on this one, and  
if I had a support contract I would file a bug.
