[CentOS] Cluster Services

Wed Apr 4 20:48:37 UTC 2007
James Marcinek <jmarc1 at jemconsult.biz>

Sorry to cut in but I have to ask. Is the cluster suite (from RH) also open sourced?



----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott McClanahan" <scott.mcclanahan at trnswrks.com>
To: centos at centos.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2007 4:30:06 PM (GMT-0500) US/Eastern
Subject: [CentOS] Cluster Services

Hello, we are running CentOS 4.3 and the latest cluster suite packages
from the csgfs yum repository for this release and need to delete a
cluster member.  According to the documentation we need to restart all
cluster related services on all remaining nodes in the cluster after the
node has been removed.  This is a four node cluster so removing one node
obviously degrades the cluster to three nodes, but we can have the
remaining cluster members recalculate the number of votes to remain
quorate.  It still surprises me that we have to bring down the entire
cluster just because we are deleting a node.  Any feedback as to why
this might be?

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