[CentOS] NVidia Quadro4 200/400 NVS CentoOS 4.4

Wed Apr 11 15:59:52 UTC 2007
David A. Woyciesjes <david.woyciesjes at yale.edu>

Michael Velez wrote:
>> 	I wonder if it would work to sudo cp those files to 
>> where it looking? 
>> Probably best to find out where the ModulePath is getting 
>> changed/set. 
>> Question is, how is a Win refugee to do that?
> Forgot to mention.  If you do need to copy files around, don't.  It's best
> to create symbolic links, using 'ln -s'.  That way, if the original file
> gets changed, the symbolic link will see the change, which would not be true
> with a copy.

	Yeah, that's what I figured.

--- David Woyciesjes