[CentOS] Re: Centos 5 timeline?

Wed Apr 11 23:19:51 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

John Summerfield spake the following on 4/11/2007 3:49 PM:
> Scott Silva wrote:
>> PS: My bosses haven't thought of adding such fluff -- yet!
>> And the president of our company is even a lawyer!
> Probably EL Pres has decided the disclaimer doesn't constitute an
> enforceable contract. The idea of saying I can't read the disclaimer!!
My sentiments exactly!
Just saying something is private, and then broadcasting it to a public forum
would nullify it. I have no problem with a short signature stating;

The company of origin of the signature
the physical address if they wish
maybe other contact info such as phone and fax numbers
and possibly the address to whom to complain if different from postmaster

That seems to be a proper company wide signature.


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