[CentOS] OT: CentOS 5 Hits?

Thu Apr 12 13:51:33 UTC 2007
Martin Marques <martin at bugs.unl.edu.ar>

On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Lonny Selinger wrote:

> Ok just curious how many hits the http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/5/isos/
> URL was getting? lol I think I check at least 4-5 times a day and all of a
> sudden instead of forbidden error I got in!!! ... only to find the tail end of
> some of the powers' humor:
> "5 hasnt been released"
> LOL I just about fell over

Isn't there torrents for CentOS 5?

  21:50:04 up 2 days,  9:07,  0 users,  load average: 0.92, 0.37, 0.18
Lic. Martín Marqués         |   SELECT 'mmarques' ||
Centro de Telemática        |       '@' || 'unl.edu.ar';
Universidad Nacional        |   DBA, Programador,
     del Litoral             |   Administrador