[CentOS] Why so many updates already for CentOS 5

Fri Apr 13 18:30:03 UTC 2007
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 12:03 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Mário Gamito wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've just installed CentOS 5.
> > I issued a yum update, and to my astonishment there are already 75 MB of 
> > updates.
> > And i didn't even installed X.
> > 
> > Why is this ?
> These are packages that have been updated since the time CentOS-5's 
> package tree was frozen upstream. Btw, you might want to check what the 
> updates are - its possible you have more software installed on the 
> machine than you need.
> - KB

To explain this a little more ... here goes:

1.  People want the versions of files on the CentOS to discs to match
the upstream versions for software control .. so if you install 5.0 it
is as close a possible to 5.0 upstream.

2.  Upstream released a Cubic buttload of updates since the 5.0 release.
These where included as updates for CentOS-5 as well ... see these links
for all updates released:



All we did was include them as updates ... so CentOS-5 is now all
updated, to 4/12/2007.

Johnny Hughes
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