[CentOS] CentOS 5.0 install fails every time.

Mon Apr 16 13:47:13 UTC 2007
Gabriel Gunderson <ggundy at gmail.com>

On 4/16/07, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org> wrote:
> Gabriel Gunderson wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > I've downloaded the latest CentOS 5.0 and the md5sums look good.  I
> > loop-back mounted the ISOs and pulled all of the RPMs out into a
> > single dir.  I have an existing PXE environment with several different
> > distros to which I added 5.0.  RPMs are served from my HTTPS server.
> > I used the isolinux.cfg that was provided and all *looks* good.
> >
> firstly, the release notes mention you cant do this with the cd's
> anymore - you need to use the DVD for that or directly use the isos
> without loop mounting it back in.
> secondly, I dont think your error is related to the isos :) you have
> something else that is broken, a kickstart perhaps ?
> I am quite sure the CD install works fine on most machines, its possible
> there is something odd about your setup, but you didnt provide any
> details as to how you checked the cd install.

Hmmm, I thought I read the release notes - I guess not as well as I thought.

As for the CDs, I'll have to check them again.

Thanks for the feedback,


Gabriel Gunderson