[CentOS] mirror rsync problem?

Mon Apr 16 22:34:56 UTC 2007
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

Jordi Espasa Clofent wrote:
> ¿Are you sure that it's actually the main reason of this behavior?
> ¿Is the rsync script exactly the same when it worked fine?

yes.     it works sometimes, it fails other times.  right now its 
failing mostly.

rsync -azH --delete --exclude=ia64 --exclude=s390\* --exclude=alpha \
        --exclude=centos/2\* --exclude=centos/3.1 --exclude=centos/3.2 
--exclude=centos/3.3 \
        --exclude=centos/3.4 --exclude=centos/3.5 --exclude=centos/3.6 
--exclude=centos/3.7 \
        --exclude=centos/4.1 --exclude=centos/4.2 --exclude=centos/4.3     \
        altruistic.lbl.gov::mirrors/centos /zdata/mirror

since it started failing mostly, i've tried several different nearby 
mirrors (stanford, kernel.org, lbl.gov, etc).