[CentOS] XEmacs on CentOS 5

Tue Apr 17 23:17:52 UTC 2007
John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org>

bgschaid_lists at ice-sf.at wrote:
> OK. Sorry for bothering everybody by answering my own posts ....
>>>>>> On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 14:28:16 +0200
>>>>>> "bl" == bgschaid lists <bgschaid_lists at ice-sf.at> wrote:
>     bl> Either I'm having a case of "now you see it, now you don't" or
>     bl> I'm just plain stupid:
> [description snipped]
> Seems that the problem were some leftovers in /var/cache/yum ("yum
> clean all" took care of that). It seems like yum was using the
> packages that were still in the cache (I only did "yum clean metadata"
> und "yum clean dbdata" before that)
> Still the question remains: is there a repository that caries XEmacs?

Have a look around the Fedora repos and rpmforge.



-- spambait
1aaaaaaa at coco.merseine.nu  Z1aaaaaaa at coco.merseine.nu

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