[CentOS] Webalizer error (was cron error)

Sat Apr 21 14:26:14 UTC 2007
Michael Velez <mikev777 at hotmail.com>

> > This is indeed a webalizer issue and I'm wondering if this 
> indicates a 
> > more serious problem or if this is just an error in log file format.
> > 
> > Is this error common?  I found several discussions of this on the 
> > internet and one simply says to use the "very quiet" option.
> > 
> > So should I not be worried or could this potentially be the 
> sign of a 
> > more serious issue?
> IMHO it's nothing to worry about at all.  I tend to switch 
> the "very quiet" 
> option on quite quickly on production machines especially 
> with all the referrer spam that is going on at the moment 
> where spammers set the referrer to some very obscure things!
> Dan

Thanks for the responses, I'll use "very quiet".
