[CentOS] VMware Server 1.2

Mon Apr 23 18:54:48 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Mark Hull-Richter wrote:
> On 4/23/07, Joshua Baker-LePain <jlb17 at duke.edu> wrote:
> >The 2nd hit when you google for "vmware".
> >
> >http://www.vmware.com/products/player/
> >
> Oh.  (Duh)
> Does anyone have a comparison between VMWare Player and VMWare Server,

I think vmware does.

> or does the former replace the latter? 

No, they are completely different products. The player is there to play
prebuilt VMs. The Server is there to act as a virtualiziation solution
for SOHOs or for development.

> I looked at the sites but saw nothing to clarify this (and may have
> missed in in my haste...).

Then don't haste.

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