[CentOS] Can't load Centos 5 on laptop - Resolved!

Tue Apr 24 03:55:32 UTC 2007
Paul <unix at bikesn4x4s.com>

On Sat, April 21, 2007 9:50 pm, Paul wrote:
> On Sat, April 21, 2007 8:08 pm, Matt Martz wrote:
>> On Sat, April 21, 2007 4:09 pm, Paul wrote:
>>> I can load Centos 4.4 fine, but 5 won't even begin to load, it can't
>>> even
>>> read the kernel from the CD.  I got another cheaper laptop, and that
>>> one
>>> loads fine with Centos 5, the same DVD I try in the Pro-star laptop.
>>> What
>>> would cause that?  I've never seen it before.  I'm trying to load DVD
>>> x86
>>> 32bit DVD.  Thanks.
>> I ran into this problem extensively with FC6 which RHEL5/CentOS5 is
>> equivalent to for the most part.
>> When you get to the "boot" prompt type some random characters and hit
>> enter.  For example type "kjsdflkjsalkfjsalkdjf" and press enter.  It
>> will
>> give you an error.  Then type "linux" and press enter or just press
>> enter.
>>  It should work just fine now.  I don't know what causes it but I read
>> in
>> on fedoraforums.org some time ago and no one had an answer.
>> The guy who found the solution actually typed in some nice words and
>> pressed enter because he was pissed.  Then hit enter again and it
>> worked.
>> Let me know if this worked becuase I am sure others will run into the
>> same
>> problem if it is what I think it is.
> It didn't work.  ;(

I think someone had a similar answer, but this one includes the whole path
which did work:

"/isolinux/vmlinuz initrd=/isolinux/initrd.img" and hit Enter


Also, Centos 5 Rocks, it just works so well.  :)