[CentOS] Centosplus for centos 5

Tue Apr 24 10:05:01 UTC 2007
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 10:37 -0500, Tom Bishop wrote:
> Thanks much!!!
> On 4/23/07, Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com> wrote:
>         On 4/23/07, Tom Bishop <bishoptf at gmail.com> wrote:
>         > Will there be a centos 5 -centosplus repo?  Now I not asking
>         for one now or
>         > when will there be one, just if there will be one in the
>         future.  I am 
>         > interested in an updated kernel for the various flavors of
>         file systems,
>         > jfs,xfs,etc. Thanks.
>         A member of the CentOS team wrote on the CentOS Forum
>         yesterday that
>         CentOS Plus 5 would be available in a week to 10 days. 
>         Akemi

To that end ... there is a CentOS-5 CentOSPlus kernel (and XFS modules
for the normal CentOS 5 kernels, all xfs /reisferfs / jfs tools) in the
testing repo here:



Lets test them so we can move um into centosplus.

Johnny Hughes
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