[CentOS] Centosplus for centos 5

Fri Apr 27 05:54:29 UTC 2007
Ryan Ordway <ryan.ordway at oregonstate.edu>

On 4/25/07 12:47 PM, "Johnny Hughes" <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com> spake:
> Here is the problem .... Red Hat has built some generic config file
> templates that they apply to the config files that are in the SOURCES
> directory (using a Perl script) before they copy them to the BUILD
> directory.
> These templates actually turn off things, even if you put them in the
> config files.
> I guess that this allows the same config files to be used for RHEL and
> FC ... with certain things that are on in FC turned off in RHEL.
> It took a little bit of time for me to actually see that RH had built
> this into the prep stage of the kernel SRPM.
> However, we should be set now ... holy cow ... now they are even
> building SRPMS that are smarter than me :D
> I will post another mail after I have moved the new kernels into
> place ... probably in less that 12 hours.

Were you able to get these into place?

Ryan Ordway                          E-mail:   rordway at oregonstate.edu
Unix Systems Administrator             rordway at library.oregonstate.edu
OSU Libraries, Corvallis, OR 97370        Office: Valley Library #4657