[CentOS] setting up CentOS 5 with Raid10

Mon Apr 30 15:50:08 UTC 2007
Ruslan Sivak <rsivak at istandfor.com>

David Mackintosh wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 11:30:44AM -0400, Ruslan Sivak wrote:
>> Thank you for the notes.  I followed them, but I'm still not having any 
>> luck installing.  I go to shell and create the arrays and create the 
>> config files, but when I switch back to anaconda, it doesn't detect 
>> /dev/md10, only /dev/md11 and /dev/md12.  I can't create another raid 
>> device in anaconda.  What am I doing wrong?  I tried setting up LVM when 
>> i first installed this, but it failed to boot.
> I don't believe you can boot from any device that includes RAID-0 in
> its components.  This is because the kernel is what knows how to
> drive a RAID-0 device, whereas the Grub loader knows how to do is
> read linearly.  
> At a bare minimum, your /boot must be non-RAID0 and non-LVM.
I guess i forgot to mention a few things:

My boot is on /dev/md0 which is a raid1 array of 2 devices (/dev/sda1 
and dev/sdb1) with 2 hotspares (/dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdd1).
My swap partition is on /dev/md1 which is raid0 array of 4 devices 

I want  my / to be on /dev/md10 which is a raid0 array of 2 devices 
(/dev/md11 and /dev/md12)
/dev/md11 is a raid1 array of 2 devices (/dev/sda3 and /dev/sdb3)
/dev/md12 is a raid1 array of 2 devices (/dev/sdc3 and /dev/sdd3)

Previously I had created an LVM over /dev/md11 and /dev/md12, but after 
installation the system would not boot.
Now I'm trying to create /dev/md10, which works fine in the shell, but I 
can't get it to show up in anaconda, so that I can start installing on it. 
