[CentOS] centos5 iptables expert needed

Kenneth Porter

shiva at sewingwitch.com
Tue Aug 28 23:47:53 UTC 2007

On Tuesday, August 28, 2007 12:27 PM -0400 Dave <dmehler26 at woh.rr.com> 

> I've set up routers before for this purpose but always of the bsd type
> and using their firewalls. I understand the concepts, nat, packet
> filtering, etc. but i'm not getting iptales at all. If anyone is an
> expert on this i'd appreciate hearing from you. I have what are probably
> basic questions, i've read the docs, but i am lost.

Wikipedia has a decent introduction:


There's a list of links to diagrams at the end to help in understanding the 
packet flow.

Let us know what doesn't make sense there, so the article can be adjusted.

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