[CentOS] Re: Mixing RPMforge and EPEL (Was: EPEL repo)

Wed Aug 1 03:17:00 UTC 2007
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Dag Wieers wrote:

> You may argue that that is a good thing. But Fedora is a different beast 
> than RHEL. People may want stable packages, or current packages and a 
> single repository (with the tools we have today) cannot provide this.

But people may want _both_ the stable package and the current package on 
the same machine at the same time.  Having a hint of the difference 
barely visible in the package name doesn't help a bit.

> Besides, it punishes people who did not have an alternative back when 
> Fedora Extras refused to do RHEL packages and only had RPMforge to fall 
> back on.
> At least that's my point of view.

I think you are making too much out of name differences for things that 
can clobber each other and not enough about ways to let the different 
things co-exist - on the same machines if you want them, or to let users 
choose which they want.  If two same-named packages can conflict, 
someone did something wrong and the issue shouldn't be about who did it 
but how to avoid it.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com