[CentOS] Linux File System w/case-insensitivity

Wed Aug 1 08:50:08 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Akemi Yagi wrote:
> For the case sensitibity, use of cifs would be better.  You indicated
> some sort of a password problem.  How about this article?  It says
> "sent by Ralph Angenendt" (yes, a main CentOS member).
> http://www.x-tend.be/~fred/howtos/samba3.html#13

Strange how stuff always comes up again :)

I banged my head over that one for quite some time before figuring out
the workaround. But this workaround shouldn't be needed anymore with
newer versions of samba 3, IIRC. 


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