[CentOS] Re: centos 5 as p2p client

Fri Aug 3 21:43:09 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Dave spake the following on 8/3/2007 11:49 AM:
> Hello,
>    I'm running centos5. I'm wanting this machine only, none of my other
> ones, to participate in p2p file sharing, bittorrent, edonkey, maybe
> other networks. Does anyone have a howto or step by step guide for this?
> I've installed bittorrent and mldonkey clients, but neither is working,
> i'm assuming gateway firewall issue, but i've enabled the correct ports,
> 6881 through 6999 redirecting to the centos box. I've not made any
> additions to the centos5 firewall.
>    I've got some audio available on bittorrent network i'd like to get,
> and a .torrent file for it and on edonkey there's an iso any help
> appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Dave.
Some internet providers are blocking those ports. Try a higher range like
26881 to 26999. The client will advertise its ports to the other p2p clients.


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