[CentOS] Re: Postfix smtp freezing

Fri Aug 10 02:48:11 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Jason Ross spake the following on 8/9/2007 4:56 PM:
> Scott,
> Sorry 'bout that I thought I was missing something.
> spamassassin-3.0.6-1.el4
> Just have 3 more questions.
> Should I use the graphical update or just yum update?
> Also are there any updates I should be concerned about?
> Should I update now, or after I resolve the smtp issue?
I think the issue is not the updates, although it could be a compromised
machine. Don't get me wrong, the updates are important, but I think your
problems go deeper than that.
If you can mail me off-list, so I can get some details about your domain from
the e-mail, I'll do some more research in the morning.
 I am reading the list through GMANE, so your domain name gets obscured.


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