[CentOS] Re: FSCK

Fri Aug 10 03:50:07 UTC 2007
Tom Diehl <tdiehl at rogueind.com>

On Thu, 9 Aug 2007, Dan Dansereau wrote:

> Hello
> I have a newbie question, given a centos 5 installation,
> An 5 very large disk arrays ( 2.5Tbytes each ) -
> Is there a way to suspend or stop the fsck during the boot up?
> The system seems to pick the most inopportune time to decide to reach
> the check count limit... and with this many disks, a reboot takes
> several hours... which is an eternity when your boss is looking over
> your shoulders for data right now!

You might want to have look here:

That thread describce how to disable the automatic fsck and also
how to use lvm snapshots to run an fsck with everything up and running.

Never tried it myself but I am sure Ted Tso knows what he is talking about.

It is for sure on my to-do list.


Tom Diehl		tdiehl at rogueind.com		Spamtrap address mtd123 at rogueind.com