It works, almost - Re: [CentOS] Installing Centos 5 on one system and moving the HD to another....

Wed Aug 29 04:47:32 UTC 2007
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at>

I did the install onto the HD in the Compaq, set inittab to 3 and moved 
the HD to the decTOP.

I booted without the ethernet USB dongle, and after I was logged in, I 
plugged it in.  I had to bring up eth0 and start dhclient.  But the 
network is working.

But X is not.  Different video.

/etc/sysconf/hwconf has the right info:

Class: VIDEO
bus: PCI
detach: 0
desc: "National Semiconductor Corporation Geode GX2 Graphics Processor"
vendorId: 100b
deviceId: 0030
subvendorId: 100b
subdeviceId: 0030
pciType: 1
pcidom:     0
pcibus:    0
pcidev:    1
pcifn:    1

So how do I 'fix' X?
Les Mikesell wrote:
> Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> I have a bug report in (0002288) on an install failure on my decTOPs 
>> (Centos 4.5 installed on them).
>> I have tried a lot of combinations and it is getting tiring.
>> What what happen, or rather how do I get the following to work:
>> Put my HD into a computer (Compaq SSF that I have installed Centos 5 
>> on with no trouble), install Centos 5, move the HD to the decTOP.
>> Different Video card.
>> No PS/2 keyboard of mouse on the decTOP
>> INTEL vs AMD cpu
>> Could it work?
> As long as the disk controller is the same type you should be able to 
> bring it up and fix everything else.  I'd set it up to not start X 
> (init level 3) so you can reconfigure it before it tries to start.  
> You may have to fix or remove the HWADDR= line in the 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file since it won't match 
> the NIC.