[CentOS] nVdia C15G chipset and GeForce 6100 on board graphix controller

Wed Aug 29 07:22:39 UTC 2007
Chris Geldenhuis <chris.gelden at iafrica.com>


Apologies for the long post - but I'm being driven crazy by this problem.

A while ago I built a new server that is intended to serve as a Xen 
server running multiple DomU systems used a test environments for 
systems that I am working on. The host Xen system will be CentOS 5 as 
will some of the DomU systems. The systems will all be hardware virtualized.

The motherboard uses the nVidia C15G chipset and the onboard graphix 
controller is recognised as a GeForce 6100.

I am having problems getting the Video and mouse to work properly with 
CentOS 5 - both with as set of CD's downloaded when CentOS 5 was first 
released and with a DVD obtained from one of the local distro shops.

The symptoms are that the Video is run in 800X600 mode and the mouse 
pointer works while the system is booting and while I am logging in to a 
GUI session. Once the login process has completed the mouse pointer 
disappears (is not visible at all). The mouse does however work as you 
can see changes to the Icons and menus on screen when moving the mouse 
around (blindly).

The same situation obtains when running the system with FC7 installed.

However when I boot the system using a Knoppix 5.1.1 live disk the Video 
resolution is 1024X768 and the mouse works properly.

I attach the output of lspci and lsmod from both CentOS and Knoppix as 
well as the X86 Config file from Knoppix.

Could someone please advise me on how to get CentOs to give the same 
results with the video and mouse as Knoppix.


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