[CentOS] Re: need help.. n do apolosize

Wed Aug 1 19:49:32 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams spake the following on 8/1/2007 12:33 PM:
> On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 14:21 -0500, Steve Bergman wrote:
>> Simon.  Please tell us if we have not answered your question.  We will 
>> help you get where you want to go. :-)
> Uh, guys... he's asking how to subscribe. Which means he's not already
> subscribed. Which means he's not seeing your responses.
He asked how to subscribe to SENDMAIL list. This is the CENTOS list.
That is why they asked if his question was answered about the sendmail list.


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