[CentOS] Re: Mixing RPMforge and EPEL (Was: EPEL repo)

Thu Aug 2 07:26:59 UTC 2007
"Petr \"Qaxi\" Klíma" <qaxi at seznam.cz>

>> (this is example, has no reflection to current state ...)
>> EPEL  provides xmms-1.2.10-1.i586.rpm    - but without MP3, WMA, AAC ...
>> DAG   provides xmms-1.2.9-1.rf.i586.rpm  - with all those beasts
>> ATRPM provides xmms-1.2.10-1.at.i586.rpm - with all those beasts
>> Which you installs? Who knows, probably EPEL ...
>> Solution?
>> Repo priorities and includes
> But wouldn't it be easier if the packages had different names so you 
> could just install the one(s) you want from the command line?
Please suggest an easy to handle inter repo clean system how to rename 
XMMS packages on top of this page .


   Petr Klíma

   e-mail:  qaxi at seznam.cz