[CentOS] Re: Mixing RPMforge and EPEL (Was: EPEL repo)

Thu Aug 2 13:49:34 UTC 2007
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Stephen Harris wrote:

> Now what happens if Fred creates a tin1.8.2 and John creates a tin1.8.2
> but with different compile options?

That's really not a big problem and anyone who does development on a 
multiuser machine will be doing it all the time.  In fact even a single 
developer will likely have different versions compiled for testing at 
the same time.  The problem arises when someone has to decide which, if 
any, should become the 'standard' version, at which point it becomes an 
issue of authority, not a technical problem.

>  If we can't even get all the
> repostories to use a simple repotag, we'd never get them to compile with
> non-standard paths!

If everyone is going to fight over the same space it again becomes a 
matter of authority - or a free-for-all.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com