[CentOS] ipw220 wireless firmware for CentOS 5

Wed Aug 8 14:33:46 UTC 2007
Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com>

On 8/8/07, andy.allen at virgin.net <andy.allen at virgin.net> wrote:
> Thanks Phil,
> I think I'll use RPMforge - the only thing is, I'm a bit confused about how
> I should install the rpm. Do I use yum - I think I have to modify something
> to get yum to access the right repository don't I? Or do I just download
> the appropriate rpm from RPMforge and install using rpm on the command
> line? Also, do I need to install anything else (module dependencies?) or
> will yum or rpm take care of that?
> Andy

Always use yum because it takes care of dependency. See


for setting up 3rd party repos. For rpmforge

