[CentOS] mysql.users deleting

Thu Aug 9 19:20:47 UTC 2007
Jordi Espasa Clofent <sistemes.llistes at intergrid.cat>

> If you restarted mysql it would probably fail to start ...

Yes; or if you make any FLUSH PRIVILEGES from mysql command interface 

> This worked for me, but is risky ... you should do it on another machine
> and copy it over if possible.  However ... I did test it on a live
> machine and it worked for me.
> ###---Commands---###
> cd /var/lib/
> mv mysql mysql.old
> mkdir mysql
> chown mysql.mysql mysql
> ###---End Commands---###
> (OK ... at this point, make SURE you have a mysql.old dir with all your
> current data in it and a mysql dir that is blank and both directories
> should be owned by mysql.mysql ... VERY IMPORTANT)
> ###---Commands---###
> /usr/bin/mysql_install_db
> cp -a mysql/mysql/user.* mysql.old/mysql/
> mv mysql mysql.bak
> mv mysql.old mysql
> ###---End Commands---###
> (OK at this point, you should have the default mysql user tables and
> indexes in your /var/lib/mysql/mysql directory and you SHOULD be able to
>  restart mysql and then login as root without a password from the
> command line with the mysql command ... then assign a root password AND
> then assign your user permissions to the databases)
> Please be careful if this machine is important ... of course if it was
> important then you would have had a backup from last night :D
> You also now have a mysql.bak directory that are all the initial
> database files for a blank install in case this happens again.

Great info Johnny.
After all I've used a similar method:

* copy (with rsync) datadir (I think it is /var/lib/mysql)
* Install MySQL-server package in another CentOS box; extract de full 
mysql table
* Deinstall the MySQL-server in affected box. Reinstall it and set up 
the root password.
* Insert the mysq.user table from another CentOS box to the affected box
* Recreate de users in mysql.user table of (ex)affected box

It has been a tedious process... but a sure process too.
A final note: the package removing process respecte de datadir and the 
copied data with rsync was not needed.

Jordi Espasa Clofent